JAKARTA - Bareskrim Polri exposed the practice of online prostitution that offers underage women to'sequeries' or less well-known celebrities. Apparently, these essential services are controlled by an inmate.
The inmate is known to have the initials MI. He played a role ranging from creating an X account to managing payments for talents or women who were used as lust for mashers.
"That MI is the main actor who created the account on social media X then formed a telegram called Premium Place. Then the account has been managed by MI, including managing payment transactions to talent," said Wadirtipidsiber Bareskrim Polri Kombes Dani Kustoni to reporters, Tuesday, July 23.
However, it was not clearly stated which prisons (Lapas) were the locations of MI languishing. It is only stated that the main perpetrator is a convict of a narcotics case.
Then, three other suspects namely YM (26), MRP (39), and CA (19). They have different roles.
The suspect YM is an admin in the telegram group. His job is to update the catalog to customer service.
"YM plays the role of admin on telegram. Then informs the talent catalog, updates the talent profile, and as well as becomes a customer service. Then also provides an account for talent payments," he said.
Furthermore, the suspects MRP and CA. They play a role in finding and providing and paying talent that has served members. In a telegram group with the name Premium Place, there are around 3,200 members recorded.
Meanwhile, the number of talents is said to reach thousands, some of whom are minors.
"The number of telephones offered by the perpetrators in this telegram group is 1,962 talents or 1962 people and currently the category of underage women offered has only been identified as 19 people," said Dani.
In this case, the suspects are charged with Article 45 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 27 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 52 paragraph 1 of Law number 1 of 2024 concerning the second amendment to Law number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions. Thus, they face a maximum imprisonment of 15 years.
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19 September 2024, 04:03