JAKARTA - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Ponorogo, East Java has reallocated an infrastructure development budget of IDR 41 billion for handling COVID-19 in this area, which has experienced an increasing trend since December 2020 until now.

"The budget used for refocusing is the budget for physical infrastructure," said the Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency for Research and Development (Bappeda Litbang) Ponorogo Sumarno, as published in the official website of the Ponorogo Regency Government, Sunday.

He ensured that the reallocated budget did not come from vital work/procurement posts. This means that infrastructure that is canceled to be repaired or built can still be used, only the physical condition is not good because it is damaged.

"There is a budget of IDR 102 billion for road infrastructure development. But about 40 percent is diverted," he also said.

Furthermore, the remaining funds must be used wisely, especially for handling roads that are in an emergency condition and only seriously damaged. Meanwhile, those with minor or moderate damage are temporarily maintained.

The construction of new roads and improvements will really be chosen according to the conditions. The priority is of course the worst way to fix it first.

"Many suggestions from the village head are improvements. Then they will be chosen later, which ones really need improvement," he said again.

According to Sumarno, the repair work will focus on self-management by the local Public Works for Housing and Settlements (DPUPKP).

"In the future, a self-managed model will be put forward, so that the handling will be faster than if using an auction," said Sumarno.

Based on the records of the Ponorogo Regency Government, up to the first quarter of 2021, there are roads in good condition accounting for 64 percent of the total 1,600 kilometers of district roads and main roads owned by Ponorogo Regency.

The district roads in Ponorogo currently reach 916 kilometers, and the axis roads reach around 700 kilometers.

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