Malang Resort Police, East Java Police, identified the body of a man found in the Gondanglegi Kulon River, Gondanglegi District, local Regency, last Sunday. Kasihumas Malang Police, Ipda Dicka Ermantara, said that based on the identification of the Malang Police Satreskrim unit team and the Gondanglegi Police, the body was identified as TR (55), a resident of Krajan Hamlet, Putat Lor Village, Gondanglegi District. "It is true, regarding the discovery of the body in the Gondanglegi District River, it has been identified, namely a resident of Putat Lor Village, Gondanglegi, Malang Regency," said Ipda Dicka in Malang, Antara, Monday, July 22. Residents saw a body floating in a tributary of the Brantas River (Dam Swerek), Jalan Dr. Wahidin, Gondanglegi Kulon Village, Gondanglegi District, Malang Regency, last Sunday. The body was found on his back and unconscious at around 12.30 WIB. "Residents who saw the incident immediately reported it to the Gondanglegi Police. Officers who received the report immediately moved to the crime scene (TKP) to collect clues," added Ipda Dicka. The results of external examinations from officers at the crime scene showed that there were no traces of abuse or signs of violence on the body. The interim medical examination that was carried out also found no signs of violence or abuse. The police then evacuated the body to the Kanjuruhan Hospital, Malang Regency for a post-mortem. Further identification confirms that the body is TR, a local resident. "We immediately contacted the family to get further information," he said.
The family contacted stated that TR had a history of high blood disease. They accepted this incident as a disaster and made a statement that they were not willing to do an autopsy on TR's body, choosing to bury it immediately. "The body was then taken home for burial. However, we are still conducting an investigation to determine whether there is a criminal act in this case," said Ipda Dicka.

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