JAKARTA - Five members of the Tebet Police were subjected to ethical sanctions, after his remarks when female journalist Kontext.co.id, Qur'aini Hamidea Suci, was suspected of being the victim of harassment by an unknown man on the Electric Rail Train (KRL), Tuesday, July 16.

Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Nurma Dewi, said that the 5 members of the Tebet Police were immediately investigated by the South Jakarta Metro Police Propam after the incident.

"So after the incident, the South Jakarta Metro Police Propam immediately examined those who said so. There were 5 people," said Nurma when confirmed, Sunday, July 21.

Regarding what kind of ethical sanctions were received by five members of the Tebet Police, Nurma could not explain.

"So everything has been checked one by one, then has been given a sanction. The sanctions are in Propam, we will check later," continued Nurma.

It is known that the five members of the Tebet Police have rejected the report of female journalist Hamidea when she wanted to report the incident she experienced. However, the five members of the police Sector were sanctioned not for rejecting the report, but for their words.

It started when the victim was on the way there was a man who was filming himself. It was also discovered when KRL officers informed him.

It turned out that when the train was traveling from Manggarai Station to Cikini, a KAI officer who had finished his job stood up and told me, "Mbak, it was videoed by this old man", pointing to a middle-aged man, "Scici's story, Thursday, July 18.

"After checking, it turns out that there is indeed my video. Not just one video, but 7 (seven) videos with a duration range of 3-7 minutes," he continued.

On that basis, the perpetrator was secured by officers. Then the victim plans to report the incident to the police.

The family, assisted by security at the Jakarta City Station, processed it to the Taman Sari Police. The Taman Sari Police responded well, but indeed in a judicial manner this case cannot be processed considering the location of the arrest of the perpetrator was around Manggarai Station. The Taman Sari Police suggested that we go to the Menteng Police Station," he said.

Furthermore, the victim and the KRL officers went to the Menteng Police. However, his report was rejected again, he was advised to the Tebet Police.

Arriving at the Tebet Police, said Suci, he heard the answer of the SPKT officer which was not pleasant. The reason is, he was again rejected by the report by officers at the Tebet Police.

"His mother was videoed because she was beautiful again. Maybe her father was fetish, inspired by a Japanese video. His father is a fan of his sister, Ms. Idol," said Tebet Police officer.

"What's the connection? Then what is the protection of the police against me, the woman who is the victim of harassment?" asked the victim.

At the end of the conversation, the officer said "there's nothing we can do".

Then he was again advised to the South Jakarta Metro Police, to make a police report.

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