JAKARTA - The Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, said that he had found a solution to the unilateral dismissal of honorary teachers in Jakarta due to the cleansing policy.
Heru promised to open space for honorary teachers to take part in the selection of individual work contracts (KKI) for non-ASN public school teachers at the DKI Jakarta Education Office so that they can still teach with clear status.
"The DKI Regional Government through the Head of the Education Office provides an opportunity to be able to register through the correct mechanism as a KKI student teacher. This year, this August, the DKI Regional Government will open (formation of KKI personnel) 1,700 for teachers (honorary)," said Heru at Banteng Field, Saturday, July 20, 2024, evening WIB.
Heru admitted that the opening of the recruitment of KKI personnel this year could not accommodate all honorary teachers in Jakarta, which amounted to around 4,000 people. So, Heru asked honorary teachers who did not pass the KKI selection this year to be patient waiting for the opening of the formation the following year.
"How about the remaining 2,300? DKI has opened it to open in 2025. The procedure is please prepare yourself. The term test, yes. There is the correct mechanism."
"So, later there will be interviews with all kinds of things, that is in accordance with the rules. Of course 1,700 will get this year, the remaining 2,300 will be given the opportunity in 2025," said Heru.
Meanwhile, at least 107 of the 4,000 honorary teachers in Jakarta have been affected by unilateral dismissal by their respective principals. Heru promised to put him back in schools that lacked teachers in order to be able to teach again.
"So, it has been recorded that there are elementary schools that are not teachers, there are junior high schools. So far, they have been concentrated in several schools. On the other hand, there are schools that lack, for example at SD X, they need English (speaking) teachers."
"Of these 107 there are English teachers, yes, we include them here and they get their rights to teach and honorarium. On Monday (July 22, 2024) everything will be resolved," he said.
Previously, the Acting Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office, Budi Awaluddin, explained the cause of hundreds of honorary teachers being fired unilaterally. Since 2022, there have been special provisions in the appointment of teachers as stated in Permendikbud Number 63 of 2022.
In this regulation, teachers who can be given honorariums must meet the requirements of non-ASN status, be recorded in Basic Education Data (Dapodik), have Unique Educators and Education Personnel Number (NUPTK), and have not received teacher professional allowances.
Meanwhile, so far, the principal has appointed honorary teachers without receiving recommendations from the DKI Education Office. Thus, the honorary teacher is not registered in the Dapodik and does not have NUPTK.
"So, what the principals have been doing so far is to appoint honorary teachers who are not aware of the Education Office and do not comply with their needs, their appointment is not published, and the appointment of subjectivity," said Budi.
Disdik DKI blamed the principal who continued to recruit honorary teachers to teach at his school. In fact, Budi emphasized that his party had long reminded public school principals not to appoint honorary teachers.
"Even from 2022, we have informed you not to appoint honorary teachers. At that time we have conveyed it, stop. However, (the principal) is stubborn (still appointing honorary teachers)," said Budi.
Then, Budi admitted, Disdik DKI also now has to carry out a policy of cleaning honorary teachers. You see, the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) revealed that the findings of using school operational assistance funds (BOS) did not comply with the rules.
In particular, the use of funds to pay honorary teachers who were not recorded in Dapodik from the start and did not have NUPTK.
"So, what the principal does is because it has the authority to manage BOS. So, many of the appointments are not in accordance with the provisions," he said again.
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