JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) summoned PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto in the Ministry of Transportation's DJKA bribery case (Kemenhub). He was questioned today, Friday, July 19. "The examination of witnesses for alleged corruption in the Directorate General of Railways/DJKA of the Ministry of Transportation," said KPK Spokesperson Tessa Mahardika to reporters in a written statement, Friday, July 19. Hasto in the witness examination schedule was written as a consultant. Tessa said the distribution was in accordance with his recorded work. "The examination was carried out at the Red and White KPK Building," he said. The investigation material that would be explored by investigators. Hasto was also not seen at the location. Previously reported, the KPK is currently summoning a number of witnesses in the DJKA bribery case at the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub). The move was taken after one new suspect was arrested, namely Yofi Oktarisza, who is a Commitment Making Officer (PPK) at the Central Java Class 1 BTP then became BTP Semarang in 2017-2021.

He followed his colleague who is PPK BTP Semarang Bernard Hasibuan and Head of BTP Class 1 Semarang Putu Sumarjaya. Yofi called the KPK is PPK for 18 work packages from previous officials and 14 for new work packages. He is suspected of helping Dion to get the project. Yofi then got a fee of 10-20 percent of the value of the work package which was then distributed.

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