BOGOR - Draft Regional Regulation (Raperda) proposed initiatives on the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Education Unit (PPKLP) environment will begin to be discussed by the Bogor City DPRD. This is based on the results of an internal plenary meeting held by the Bogor City DPRD, Monday, July 15, 2024. The chairman of the Bogor City DPRD, Atang Trisnanto hopes that the PPKLP Raperda can become the basis for protection law in the form of prevention and handling of violence inside and outside the educational unit environment, so that there is no longer any fear in the community for threats of violence against children. Hopefully this PPKLP Raperda will become the basis for creating a safe and comfortable school environment, as well as minimizing the possibility of physical, verbal, sexual, and other forms of violence," said Atang., said Atang also conveyed that the background of the formation of this PPKLP Raperda was due to the fact that the Bogor City DPRD saw cases of violence in the educational environment that occurred in Bogor City became increasingly widespread, so that new rules needed to be issued to unravel and minimize the occurrence of violence. We note the increasing number of violence that occurred in the educational environment, including during child mobility from school to school. We also receive many complaints and inputs from observers as well as the practitioners of the world of education for this increasingly pending condition', explained Atang. Based on data submitted by the Bogor City Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service (DP3A), throughout 2022 there were 129 cases of violence against women and children, of which 40 percent were cases of violence against children.

Even the Regional Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAID) Bogor City released data on sexual violence complaints throughout 2023 recorded 11 cases. The conditions that are of concern to the world of education that cases of sexual violence against children occur in five cases in schools. Meanwhile, the most frequent cases of violence are cases of bullying. This is one of our concern in the DPRD, related to the rise of cases of violence both physically, psychologically, and sexually that occur in educational environments. We want to make schools the best environment for children's education and growth, not the other way around,'' clear Atang. The first PPKLP Raperda at the Indonesia Raperda PPKLP is the proposed initiative of the Bogor City DPRD included in the 2024 Regional Regulation Formation Program (Propemperda). After going through the initial discussion in the Regional Regulation Formation Agency (Bapemperda) of the Bogor City DPRD and obtaining harmonization at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, this Raperda is ready for further discussion at the Special Committee (Pansus) level. The spokesman for the Special Committee (Pansus), Endah Purwanti in an internal plenary meeting conveyed the purpose of implementing regulation on prevention and control of violence in the environment of this education unit is to protect children from acts of violence that occur in educational units as well as in school activities outside the school environment. Later, this Raperda PKKLP will be the first in Indonesia. This Raperda will focus on protection for victims, prevention, as well as monitoring and supervision. Monitoring and supervision are carried out by the Prevention and Handling of Violence Teams (TPPK) which in carrying out their duties and functions are responsible to the head of education units,'' said Endah. Responding to the report of Bapemda Bogor City DPRD, the spokesman for the factions of the Bogor City DPRD, Eka Wardhana conveyed the general view (PU) of the Bogor City DPRD factions has agreed to agree to approve the start of the discussion of the PPKLP Raperda. However, Eka conveyed that there are several notes that must be considered in the discussion of the PPKLP Raperda, namely having to pay attention to

The definition used in this Raperda is quite clear and comprehensive. However, there needs to be more detailed strengthening and explanations related to "psychological violence" and "sexual violence", especially in the context of increasingly growing digital media. We suggest including specific examples of this form of violence to make it easier for all parties to understand, "explained Eka. Furthermore, Eka said that the Bogor City DPRD factions requested that the supervision of the implementation of this Raperda must be strengthened by the presence of a more stringent monitoring mechanism to ensure that this task force actually works effectively by conducting routine audits and public reporting.

This Raperda needs to be supported by intensive socialization programs and education about violence in schools. An awareness campaign on violence and children's rights must be carried out regularly at all levels of education. In addition, material on preventing violence can be included in the curriculum as part of character education," he concluded. Based on the results of a report from the Bapemperda of the Bogor City DPRD, the general views of the Bogor City DPRD factions and the approval of all members of the Bogor City DPRD who were present at the plenary meeting, the chairman of the Bogor City DPRD, Atang Trisnanto, made a decision to approve the start of the PPKLP Raperda discussion by forming a special committee team.

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