The Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Medan Kejari, North Sumatra charged Mia Audina (24), a student resident of Jalan Perbatan, Sari Rejo II Village, Medan Amplas District, Medan City for being a telemarketing (distance market) online gambling.

"This case occurred on Friday (26/1), Medan Police officers received information that the defendant practiced online gambling as telemarketing on the Border Road," said Medan Prosecutor Nurhendayani Nasution when reading the indictment letter reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 17.

His party continued, then the officers conducted an investigation by visiting the online gambling practice in the Border Road area and finding the defendant and evidence of a cellphone containing an online gambling site.

"The cellphone found a conversation between the defendant and members of online gambling on the site," said Nurhendayani in front of the presiding judge Sulhanuddin.

To the police, he said, the defendant had explained how he worked as a long-distance marketing worker on online gambling sites.

Initially, the defendant downloaded the Telegram application and created an account, then the defendant typed it in the BTDB (border database) search.

"After that, the defendant invited the targets to play online gambling. The invitation was made by the defendant by sending a message to one by one the people who were members of the group," he said.

If the person agrees with BTDB, he explained, then the defendant can start a conversation from WhatsApp messages, and offer to play on online gambling sites.

"If a prospective member is interested in playing, then the defendant registers the account of the prospective member and player account number on the online gambling site, where prospective members are required to fill out a minimum deposit of Rp. 50,000," said Nurhendayani.

After being registered, the player then deposits the gambling account by transferring it to the account listed on the online gambling site.

"When the deposit has entered, players can do online gambling. There are many types of games on online gambling sites offered by the defendant, namely soccer gambling, slot gambling, lottery, casinos and shooting fish," he said.

For this work, the defendant received a salary of Rp. 1 million and a bonus of Rp. 25 thousand per member from Ketty Alias Jeje, who is currently a wanted list (DPO).

"The defendant admitted that he worked as a telemarketing on online gambling sites as a livelihood for additional tuition fees and pocket money," said the prosecutor.

For his actions, the defendant was charged with Article 27 paragraph (2) of Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning the second amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph (3) of Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning the second amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE) as the primary indictment.

"The defendant was also charged with violating Article 303 paragraph (1) to 1 of the Criminal Code Subs Article 303 paragraph (1) to 2 of the Criminal Code concerning Gambling as in the second and third indictments," explained Nurhendayani.

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