JAKARTA - The manager of the Indonesian badminton team, Ricky Subagja, said that his party is now focused on trying to return the Indonesian team to Indonesia after withdrawing from the All England 2021 competition regarding the suspected COVID-19.

"Our hope is how we can focus on returning to Indonesia. One of the main goals is how the Indonesian team can return or taking care as soon as possible of the Indonesian team's return," said Ricky in a press conference held by the Indonesian Embassy in London on Friday evening Jakarta time.

According to him, currently, the Indonesian team is being asked to quarantine for 10 days, from March 13 to 23, after previously the Badminton World Federation (BWF) decided to withdraw the participation of the Indonesian team from the All England tournament after the British health authority (NHS). know that someone has been confirmed positive for COVID-19 on the same plane the Indonesian team was traveling on the flight from Istanbul to Birmingham on March 13.

However, Ricky said that his party was fighting to get the Indonesian team back to the country as soon as possible, without violating the prevailing regulations, especially so that athletes could re-prepare themselves for the upcoming competition.

"Athletes have indeed asked to return to the country as soon as possible to prepare again for championships which are very important before the Olympics," said Ricky.

This hope was also voiced directly by athletes in the Indonesian badminton team through their respective social media accounts, including men's doubles Mohammad Ahsan and Hendra Setiawan via uploads on Instagram, as well as men's singles Jonatan Christie and women's doubles Apriyani Rahayu.

"The others can be understood, even though mentally it cannot be accepted immediately (BWF decision, -red), but there is one big hope to return to Indonesia as soon as possible, it has greatly helped our team of athletes who are currently quarantined," said Ricky.

He also expressed his appreciation for the Indonesian Ambassador to England, Desra Percaya, and the Indonesian Embassy in London who had participated in fighting for the hopes of the Indonesian team to return to Indonesia.

Ambassador Desra also emphasized that his party is trying to ensure the safety and security of the Indonesian team who are still in the city of Birmingham and are working on their return to Indonesia as soon as possible. "I have to make sure the Indonesian team can return to Indonesia safely. After this I will go to Birmingham to meet Kang Ricky (Soebagdja), of course with (health) protocols, and to provide moral support to Indonesian heroes,” he said.

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