During a recess in Pangkalanbun, Central Kalimantan, Commission III of the DPR found a case of death of a young woman named Mega Ekanti who was considered similar to the 'Vina' case in West Java. Commission III of the DPR also urged the police to thoroughly investigate the case of Mega's death.
"I am sorry and condolences for the death of Mega Ekanti. We urge the police to immediately find the perpetrator and resolve the alleged murder case similar to Vina's case," said Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives Prince Khairul Saleh, Wednesday, July 17.
Mega Ekanti died on fire with her motorbike at the Bangi Wao Campground Complex, Central Kalimantan, last Tuesday (9/7). Before he died, the 18-year-old girl had called her mother for help.
Feeling uncomfortable, the mother then looked for Mega, who had just graduated from high school and found the victim on fire with her motorbike. Mega's body was wrapped in a hose and it was discovered that her valuables such as cellphones and earrings were missing.
Before leaving the house, Mega said goodbye to her mother to pick up someone at the Bangi Wao Campground who was not far from home. Mega is suspected of being a victim of murder, but until now the perpetrator of the tragic murder is still a puzzle.
"We are guarding the Mega Ekanti case so that no other Vina-Vina will be killed and it is difficult to investigate," said the legislator from the South Kalimantan electoral district.
Pangeran juga meminta kepolisian untuk serius menangani kasus Mega Ekanti agar terungkap pelaku dan motif apa yang melatarjarangi pembunuhan korban. Kasus kematian Mega sendiri banyak merebut perhatian masyarakat di Kalteng.
"Investigation must be carried out quickly and precisely so that there are no more wrong cases of arrests such as the Vina case," said Pangeran.
At the office in Central Kalimantan, Commission III of the DPR held a meeting with several leaders of the Commission III partner agency to absorb aspirations. These partners include the Central Kalimantan Police Chief, the Head of the Central Kalimantan Province BNN and the Head of the Central Kalimantan Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office.
At the meeting, Commission III of the DPR led by Prince heard and explored in detail what problems were happening in Central Kalimantan.
One of the things that is in the spotlight of Commission III of the DPR is the application of sanctions for narcotics abuse perpetrators in Kalimantan. According to the Prince, Commission III of the DPR highlighted the handling of drug abuse perpetrators who were imprisoned as criminals.
"We urge them not to be subject to criminal articles but to be rehabilitated like practices in several European countries," he explained.
Pangeran reminded that the handling of drug abuse users should be directed at the rehabilitation process. Meanwhile, strict law enforcement must be carried out on the dealer and the party that distributes it.
"Those who take precedence are dealers and dealers," said the Prince.
In addition to the law enforcement process, the Commission in the DPR in charge of legal, human rights and security affairs also found an overcapacity of prisons in Central Kalimantan. Therefore, said Pangeran, Commission III of the DPR will bring aspirations from the ranks of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Central Kalimantan to the center.
"So the prison in Central Kalimantan is almost 100% overcapacity. This should be a concern," he explained.
On the other hand, Pangeran said that Commission III of the DPR also found that the law enforcement process carried out by the local prosecutor's office was not in accordance with what it should have been. In this case, it is the application of legal action cooperation with agencies outside of law enforcement.
"The Prosecutor's Function is a law enforcement agency, it should be distinguished which one is taking action and which one is assisting," explained Pangeran.
To note, the Central Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) is collaborating with the Provincial Government on Law Enforcement, Recovery of State Assets, Licensing, and Optimizing PAD. The MoU is related to the completion of state asset control. Cooperation between the prosecutor's office and the local government is also followed at the district-district level.
Not only that, the Central Kalimantan Prosecutor's Office also cooperates with the local Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion (Agama) regarding the implementation of the duties and functions of both parties in the field of civil and state administration.
"There should be no assistance cooperation between the Prosecutor's Office and Ministries/Agencies, Provincial Government, Regency Government, specifically in completing work/Proyek", he said.
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