BOGOR - PT Natura City is ready to accommodate the aspirations of residents of Gunungsindur District, Bogor Regency who refuse to vacate and dismantle settlements on 18 hectares of land in Kampung RT 04/06, Pangasinan Village which is claimed to be legally owned by the company.

A number of farmers and traders from Kebon Kopi Village, RT 04/06, Pengasinan Village, Bogor Regency refused to vacate and dismantle their buildings on land owned by PT Natura City Development.

The public received a letter from PT Natura City Development Attorney Antoni & Partners to immediately demolish and vacate the land within 7x24 hours from July 8, 2024, since the letter was announced.

PT Natura City's attorney, Antoni, said the 18 hectares of land belonged to PT. Natura City Development in accordance with the decision of the West Java High Court Number 239/pdt/2006/Pt.BDG.

"All parties are requested to respect the applicable legal decisions, because they refer to letter No. 239/pdt/2006/Pt.BDG with the results won by our client as the reason based on the release from PTP XI which is now PTP VIII in 1997," said Antoni, Tuesday, July 16.

"Earlier we had a dispute with the Prime Minister of the Indonesian Veterans Cooperative (Primkoveri) they had sued this land to the Supreme Court but it was rejected", continued Anthoni.

So there is no reason for the community to claim that the land is not legally owned by Natura City.

He admitted that many farmers and traders had occupied the land for a long time. However, if at any time PT Natura City wants to arrange community land, it must be sluggish.

"They worked on and built buildings on our client's land, if we asked to vacate, they should have been willing sincerely. Instead, later they asked for compensation and asked for money to carry out their own demolition. They were "passing" on the land instead of renting", he said.

So far, when his client does land structuring and fencing activities, the community is still given time compensation.

They can still plant cassava, even those who sell are still given flexibility in carrying out their activities.

Despite the public's refusal, Antoni also demands that if there are parties who trade or lease land without the knowledge of PT Natura City so far, they must be responsible. He will question if there are such individuals.

"I heard that there are parties who are said to be trading or renting out land belonging to our clients to the community, if it is true that the community should demand it from these individuals, and if there is evidence that the land is traded or leased illegally, we will pursue it", added Antoni.

Antoni hopes that the community will not be provoked by those who really want to make things worse, because during the refreshment at the location there is no rejection.

"I hope to find the best solution with the community, we don't want to be clashed with the community, which is indeed suspected that this movement is hindering and only wants to gain the interests of groups and individuals," said Antoni.

He admitted that he would schedule a meeting with the community directly to listen to the aspirations of the people, thus deciding those who deliberately wanted to make the atmosphere worse.

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