JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is ready to assist the Selection Committee (Pansel) for Candidates for Leadership (Kapim) and the KPK Supervisory Board in the process of examining the registrant's history. The mechanism will be discussed later.

It is known, in the Chairman of the Pansel Capim and the KPK Council Muhammad Yusuf Ateh once conveyed the request during an audience with the KPK leadership on Wednesday, June 12.

"Later, the clearance mechanism will be discussed further if later there are names sent from Pansel Capim and Dewas to the KPK," said KPK Spokesperson Tessa Mahardika to reporters at the KPK's Red and White building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Tuesday, July 16.

"So we'll just have to wait for the process," he continued.

Tessa said that the process of checking the registrant's history could actually be done by the community. "If there are candidates who according to the public need special attention, I think the public can convey this to the Pansel for consideration," said the spokesman with the investigator's background.

Diberitakan sebelumnya, pendaftaran capim dan calon dewas KPK dibuka selama 20 hari sejak 26 Juni hingga 15 Juli 2024. Pendaftar harus lebih dulu membuat akun di laman https://apel.setneg.go.id.Adapun data terakhir atau pada Senin, 15 Juli pukul 23.59 WIB ada 525 orang pendaftar capim dan dewas yang kebanyakan laki-laki. Pansel menyebut 318 orang dari jumlah itu mendaftarkan diri sebagai calon pemimpin.Rinciannya ada 298 pendaftar laki-laki dan 20 perempuan. Sementara untuk Dewan Pengawas KPK jumlah yang mendaftar ada 207 orang yang terdiri dari 184 laki-laki dan 23 perempuan.

Pansel Capim and the KPK Council said that after the registration process was closed, document verification would be carried out and announced on July 24. Later, the public can provide input through the Apple application and official email to respond to candidates who pass.

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