Deputy Chairperson of the Bogor Regency DPRD, Wawan Hikal Kurdi or Wanhay, met with Vice President Ma'ruf Amin at the vice president's official residence, Jakarta, July 15. The two discussed the arrangement of the Puncak tourist area to the continuation of the construction of the Puncak II route.

Wanhay revealed that the two projects are very strategic to accelerate development in eastern Bogor to optimize the tourism sector in the peak area in southern Bogor.

"We hope that the central government's support so that the program for structuring peak areas can be maximized," said Wanhay in a statement in Cibinong, Bogor Regency, Tuesday, July 16, which was confiscated by Antara.

In front of the Vice President, Wanhay also asked the central government through the Ministry of PUPR to complete the facilities at the Gunung Mas Rest Area.

With complete facilities, he continued, visitors will make the rest area not only to pull over or avoid congestion, but to become a tourist destination that is of interest.

"If the facilities are complete, of course, the relocation of traders can benefit, and no longer think about returning to the side of the road," said Wanhay.

In addition, he also requested that PT Perkebunan Nusantara I, which manages the Gunung Mas Tourism Agro, divert the tourist's return route to the rest area.

"Because PTPN is a state-owned company, we hope that the central government will encourage the arrangement of traffic routes to Agro Wisata Gunung Mas so that the return of visitors is directed to the Rest Area," he said.

Wanhay also conveyed that the Bogor Regency Government together with the Bogor Regency DPRD are currently preparing for the peak area by relocating street vendors (PKL) phase 2 to the Gunung Mas Rest Area.

Meanwhile, for the process of opening the peak route II, the DPRD will also allocate the APBD for hardening work. Wanhay hopes that there will be a APBN disbursement to improve infrastructure and public facilities in the two areas.

"We hope that these two areas will become national strategic projects and receive financial support from the state budget," he said.

Meanwhile, Acting (Pj) Bogor Regent Asmawa Tosepu who also met with the Vice President said that the Vice President appreciated the construction of the Puncak II route which is currently being carried out by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (KemenPUPR) through the Regional Road Instruction or IJD, together with the Bogor Regency Government and the Army through the Manunggal Army to Build Villages (TMMD).

Asmawa targets the road clearing in the eastern region of Bogor Regency to be completed this year.

"The completion is estimated at the end of the year, thankfully it can be accelerated in September, including there are about 2.4 kilometers that are new to pioneering, hopefully in the Revised APBD we can finish with hardening," said Asmawa.

He also reported on the development of the arrangement of the Puncak tourist area carried out by the Bogor Regency Government together with a number of other institutions since the last two weeks after the transfer of street vendors or street vendors to the Gunung Mas Rest Area.

"Including the needs and future development plans," he said.

Asmawa also conveyed the plan to relocate second-stage traders who are currently in the administrative process in the form of a written warning to street vendors, because there are still 194 street vendors who will be moved to rest areas by controlling their stalls along the Puncak route.

Asmawa directly led the control of the first phase of street vendors in the Puncak area on June 24, despite being rejected by some traders.

In controlling this merchant stall, the Bogor Regency Government razed 329 buildings along the Puncak Line, consisting of 185 buildings from Gantole to the Gunung Mas Rest Area, and 144 buildings from the Taman Safari Indonesia intersection to the Gunung Mas Rest Area.

He ensured that the economy of street vendors or street vendors in the Tourism Area would be better after moving to the Gunung Mas Rest Area.

The construction of a rest area on an area of 7 hectares belonging to PT Perkebunan Nusantara I has been carried out since 2020-2021.

The Gunung Mas Rest Area has a capacity of 516 kiosks consisting of 100 stalls for wet traders such as vegetables and fruit, as well as 416 kiosks for dry traders such as souvenirs and snacks. Each kiosk has an area of 11 square meters, both wet and dry.

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