Riau Police arrested 16 people who tested positive for narcotics and illegal drugs during a raid by three nightclubs (THM) in Pekanbaru, Tuesday, July 16 in the morning. Director of Narcotics Director of the Riau Police Kombes Pol Manang Soebeti said 12 of them were male and four were female. Based on the results of urine tests, 16 of these visitors tested positive for amphetamine and methamphetamine. "We carried out Antique Operations at several THM in Pekanbaru. Currently, we have brought positive ones to the Riau Police for further processing," he told the media crew, confiscated by Antara. His party conducted raids at three THM at the same time, namely at MP Club, Paragon and D'Poin Lounge.
His party also carried out mapping at THM to find out the location that used to be a place for the abuse of this illicit goods. "We also conducted a sweep of the users at THM, but the main target is to keep the drug network," he said. In addition, 7 ecstasy pills were also found in a table wrapped in small plastic and hidden in a tissue box. "There were seven ecstasy pills on the table, but we don't know who the owner is," he continued.
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