JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin hopes that the potential for zakat in Indonesia which reaches Rp327 trillion must be optimized so that it becomes an important instrument in development.

"The potential for zakat that can reach Rp327 trillion must be optimized so that it becomes an important instrument in development in order to realize social justice in the community," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin in his remarks at the opening of the 10th National Conference (Munas) of the Zakat Forum with the theme "The Zakat Movement Welcoming Indonesia Gold 2045" at the Vice Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Tuesday, July 16, was confiscated by Antara.

In fact, said the Vice President, this potential is equivalent to 76 percent of the social protection budget (perlinsos) in the 2022 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

"For this reason, the role of zakat in eradicating extreme poverty and improving people's welfare needs to be continuously optimized," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.

The vice president also asked for strategic steps in strengthening zakat governance, starting from strengthening regulations to responding to the dynamics of community needs, to preparing road maps as a reference and direction for strategic policy in managing zakat towards Indonesia Emas 2045.

"These various efforts are also crucial to build a zakat ecosystem that is transparent, professional, and accountable, so that zakat contributions will have a significant impact on poverty alleviation," he said.

Furthermore, the Vice President stated that Indonesia Gold 2045 is the great vision of the Indonesian nation to become a developed, prosperous, and sustainable country. In achieving this vision, equitable and inclusive development is the main important asset to be owned.

For this reason, the Vice President said that the redistribution and reduction of inequality policies are one of the keys to success in encouraging equal distribution of income and poverty eradication.

"At this point, zakat can be one solution through the income redistribution mechanism to meet the primary needs of mustahik (zakat recipients) to be lifted from the poverty line," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.

He also believes that with the massive zakat movement, it will certainly produce strong power to overcome the poverty problem in society.

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