JAKARTA - Hanif Alatas, Habib Rizieq Shihab's son-in-law refused to exercise his right to respond to the indictment in the alleged swab case of the UMMI Hospital in Bogor.

"It's been a noble walk out," said Hanif in the Criminal Investigation Police's courtroom, Jakarta, Friday, March 19.

The panel of judges again reminded Hanif whether to exercise his rights as a defendant or not. But Hanif only commented that he had walked out.

The judge confirmed. "It needs to be reaffirmed, the defendant should not walk out, because attendance at the trial is not an obligation. So you do not have the right to walk out," said the judge.

Because Hanif still insisted on not giving a response, the judge ordered the public prosecutor to present witnesses in the next trial.

"Both the panel of judges had deliberated on the defendant to propose the right but it was not used. Did not use the right of objection or exception. So the panel of judges ordered the prosecutor to present witnesses," said the judge.

The prosecutor stated that he was ready to present witnesses at the next trial. Namely on Friday, March 26 next week.

"Well, Your Honor, we will present witnesses," said the prosecutor.

The trial was closed and will then reopen on March 26 to present witnesses.

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