JAKARTA - The DPR has highlighted the Government's discourse on limiting the purchase of subsidized fuel so that the assistance disbursed is right on target. The government should be able to carry out clear socialization about the discourse so as not to cause unrest.

"Actually, we welcome the discourse on limiting the purchase of subsidized fuel, but do not cause unrest and concern for people who really deserve to receive subsidies," said Deputy Chairman of Commission VII DPR Eddy Soeparno, Monday, July 15.

This discourse is not new. In fact, Commission VII has been encouraged since three years ago because the DPR considers that there are inappropriate steps in the distribution of subsidized fuel so far. There are many people who are able and do not deserve subsidies who actually enjoy it.

"Alhamdulillah, there is no word too late. Indeed, we have voiced that the fuel subsidy has been evaluated since three years ago. Because 80% of pertalite users of subsidized fuel are people who are not entitled," explained the legislator from the West Java III electoral district.

According to Eddy, the government must have one voice when it is about to issue a policy. Do not let confusing information cause uncertainty so that people become confused considering that currently the information is still confusing.

"The government needs to communicate this'subsidized fuel restriction' policy properly to the public so as not to cause confusion that all community groups will be limited in purchasing subsidized fuel. Don't make people restless," said Eddy.

"So what is reduced is the group of people who have the right to buy subsidized fuel and not reduce the volume of subsidized fuel," he added.

Eddy also emphasized that socialization is clearly needed by the community so that there are no other discourses that develop, such as the issue of increasing fuel prices. If there is no clarity of information, it will make the public even more restless.

Eddy assessed that with compensation for certain types of fuel (JBT-Solar) and the Assignment Special Fuel Type (JBKP-Pertalite) in 2024, which is estimated to reach Rp 163 trillion, but used by the community, it is capable of as much as 80% of the subsidy quota, it makes the state and society who need a loss.

"The reason is that the volume increases every year, in line with economic growth. If it is not managed strictly, the Government will bear even greater subsidies in the future, which unfortunately are not on target," he explained.

"Moreover, this fuel is an imported product that drains the country's foreign exchange and burdens the state budget even more if the world oil market price increases and the USD exchange rate for Rupiah strengthens," continued Eddy.

Commission VII will encourage the Government to revise Presidential Decree 191 of 2014 concerning the Provision, Distribution and Retail Selling Price of Oil Fuel. There are at least two important things that need to be included, namely:

(1) Categories or criteria for community groups and vehicles that have the right to consume subsidized fuel (2) sanctions given to those who are still buying or selling subsidized fuel that is contrary to the Presidential Decree.

"I think we are also waiting for the revision of the Presidential Decree. But again I emphasize to carry out socialization immediately so that people don't misunderstand," said Eddy.

The chairman of the House of Representatives' Energy Commission again reminded that the discourse on banning the purchase of subsidized fuel applies only to the upper middle class or the community. Eddy said that the lower class economic community such as online motorcycle taxis, angkot drivers, MSME vehicles, motorcycles are still entitled and allowed to buy subsidized fuel.

"This policy is issued so that the subsidy budget that has been issued by the Government is right on target for people in need," he said.

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