JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said the investigation into allegations of corruption in the temporary evacuation site (TES) or tsunami shelter in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) was continuously carried out. One of them is looking for a kickback or reward in the project. "In the meantime, Tessa said, the alleged kickback or giving birth the reward has not been detected by investigators. However, this possibility could be found in the process. As for the construction of shelters for the community from the impact of the tsunami wave using a budget from the central government. "(The budget for the construction of tsunami shelters in NTB comes from, ed) the Ministry of PUPR," he said. Meanwhile, regarding the value of the tsunami shelter project in NTB, continued Tessa, it was the same as the state losses caused. Some time ago he had revealed The state lost up to Rp19 billion because of the project. "That's the value of the project. Yes (equal to the state losses caused, ed)," said a spokesman with the background of investigators. It was previously reported that the KPK was investigating allegations of corruption in the construction of a temporary evacuation site (TES) or tsunami shelter in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province. Two suspects were named, one state administrator and the other came from BUMN. It is said that this development was carried out by the Unit Work on Building and Environment Arrangement, Operations for the Implementation of Building and Environmental Planning (PBL) of West Nusa Tenggara Province, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing in 2014. The investigation into this alleged corruption has been carried out since 2023. KPK Investigation Director Asep Guntur Rahayu said the mode allegedly occurring in this corruption practice was to reduce the quality of the building. This finding was obtained after the team conducted a direct inspection in the field. Some things are not used Kami cek, ada yang memang kualitasnya menurun, kata Asep kepada wartawan di Gedung Merah Putih KPK, Kuningan Persada, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa, 9 Juli.Meski begitu, Asep belum merinci penurunan kualitas tersebut. Dia hanya bilang pengecekan tersebut akan menggandeng ahli konstruksi untuk melakukan penilaian.KPK Cari Dugaan Kickback dalam Kasus Korupsi Shelter Tsunami di NTBJAKARTA - Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) mengatakan pengusutan dugaan korupsi tempat evakuasi sementara (TES) or tsunami shelters in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) continue to be carried out. One of them is looking for a kickback or reward in the project. "The investigators are still investigating (about the existence of kickback/red reward)," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika when confirmed by VOI via text message, Friday, July 12. Meanwhile, Tessa said, the alleged kickback or reward has not been detected by investigators. However, this possibility could be found in the process. "The construction of shelter shelter for the community from the impact of the tsunami wave uses a budget from the central government.' (The budget for the construction of tsunami shelters in NTB comes from, red) the Ministry of PUPR, "he said. Meanwhile, the value of the tsunami shelter project in NTB, continued Tessa, is the same as the state losses incurred. Some time ago he revealed that the state lost up to Rp19 billion because of the project.. That's the value of the project. Yes (the same as the loss of the country. The country that was caused, ed), said a spokesman with the background of investigators. As previously reported, the KPK is investigating allegations of corruption in the construction of a temporary evacuation site (TES) or tsunami shelter in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province. There are two suspects who have been named, one has elements of state administrators and the other comes from BUMN. It is said that this development was carried out by the Building and Environmental Planning Work Unit, the Implementation Activities of Building and Environment Management (PBL) of Nusa Province The West Southeast of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing in 2014. The investigation into the alleged corruption has been carried out since 2023. KPK Investigation Director Asep Guntur Rahayu said the mode allegedly occurring in this corruption practice was to reduce the quality of the building. This finding was obtained after the team checked directly in the field.

"There are things that some of us don't use to check, some have poor quality," Asep told reporters at the KPK's Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Tuesday, July 9. However, Asep has not detailed the decline in quality. He only said that the check would collaborate with construction experts to conduct an assessment.

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