JAKARTA - June 2024 is listed as the hottest according to the European Union's climate change monitoring service on Monday, continuing a series of extraordinary temperatures that some scientists say make 2024 the hottest year the world has ever recorded.

Every month since June 2023 - 13 months in a row - has been ranked the hottest on the planet since records began, compared to the same month in previous years, the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said in a monthly bulletin.

Recent data show 2024 could surpass 2023 as the hottest year since records began after climate change due to humans and natural weather phenomenon El Nino pushed temperatures to a record high this year so far, some scientists say.

"I now estimate there is about 95% percent chance of 2024 beating the year 2023 to be the warmest year since the listing of global surface temperatures began in the mid-1800s," saidLAH Hausfather, a research scientist at Berkeley Earth.

Climate change has resulted in catastrophic consequences worldwide by 2024.

More than 1,000 people died of intense heat during the pilgrimage last month. Deaths from heat were also recorded in New Delhi, which experienced a very long heat wave, and among Greek tourists.

Meanwhile, Friederike Otto, a climate scientist at the Grantham Institute, Imperial College London, said there is a "big possibility" that 2024 will be the hottest year ever recorded.

"El Nino is a natural phenomenon that will always come and go. We can't stop El Nino, but we can stop burning oil, gas and coal," he said.

It is known that El Nino's natural phenomenon, which warms the surface of water in the eastern Pacific Ocean, tends to increase the global average temperature.

The effect has eased in recent months, with the world now in neutral condition before the cooler La Nina conditions are expected to form later this year.

The greenhouse gas emission from burning fossil fuels is the main cause of climate change.

Despite pledging to curb global warming, countries have so far failed collectively to reduce this emission, prompting temperatures to continue to rise for decades.

In 12 months ending in June, the world's average temperature reached the highest ever recorded for that period, at 1.64 degrees Celsius above average in the pre-industrial period 1850-1000, C3S said.

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