JAKARTA - Public awareness that traffic rules are still very low, especially in the Jakarta area. Evidently, Polda Metro Jaya recorded 10 million violations every month.

Polda Metro Jaya Traffic Director Kombes Latif Usman said the millions of violations were the result of prosecution using the ETLE camera.

"One month, our ETLE (arrested) 10 million violations," Latif told reporters, Friday, July 5.

There are some frequent violations. For two-wheeled vehicles, the most is not wearing helmets.

Meanwhile, for four wheels, Latif continued, the most violations were not wearing seat belts.

"(The types of violations) do not use helmets, seat belts, use of cellphones," he said.

On the other hand, Latif also said that there were 137 ETLE cameras spread throughout the Greater Jakarta area. The camera will always be on standby to record traffic violations that occur

"Yes, we have 137 ETLES. The 127 static ones are 10 mobile," said Latif.

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