LUWU - A woman resident of Siteba Village, North Walenrang District, Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi (Sulsel), named Sariati (38) died after being attacked and swallowed by a 8 meter long python.

This tragic incident occurred in the forest area of Balatana Hamlet, Siteba Village. The victim's body was found after the stomach of a python was split by local residents. The victim died when he was about to buy medicine for his sick son.

The secretary of Siteba Village, Iyang explained, initially the victim went to buy medicine for her child by walking through the forest to her brother's house.

"From the description of the victim's family, he intended to ask his brother for help to buy his child's medicine. Because his brother's house was far away, the victim had to walk through the forest. After not returning, the family began to look for it," said Siteba in his statement, Thursday, July 4.

The victim was first discovered by her husband, Adiansya (30), who saw a python with a swollen stomach in the middle of the forest. Suspicious that the snake had swallowed his wife, her husband asked residents for help to divide the snake's stomach.

"Out of suspicion that his wife was swallowed by the snake, residents together with the village government and Babinsa split the snake and found the victim's body in the stomach of the snake in a dead condition," said Siteba.

For this incident, Danramil Walenrang, Captain Inf. Takdir, appealed to the public to always be careful when passing or doing activities in forests or plantations. Because the condition of forests and plantations in the area is still natural so that the presence of wild animals can threaten the lives of residents.

"We urge residents to remain careful when passing through forests or plantations, there can be wild animals that can harm them," said Takdir.

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