JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), Netty Prasetiyani Aher, asked the government to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. After declaring to postpone the use of the British vaccine until there are results of research from the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding side effects.

"As is known, AstraZeneca vaccine clinical trials have not been conducted in Indonesia. I support the postponement of its use and ask the government to carry out a comprehensive assessment," Netty said in a written statement on Thursday, March 18.

He reminded the government not to rush into issuing emergency permits for use if the results of the research were not clear.

"Don't let us miss because we rushed to give an emergency use permit," said the PKS politician.

Furthermore, Netty assessed that even though the AstraZeneca vaccine was obtained under the COVAX-WHO scheme (free of charge), it did not mean that the government could ignore clinical trials regarding its efficacy, quality, and halal aspect. "Everything must be transparent, nothing is hidden," said Netty.

Netty also asked the government to confirm the fate of the 1.1 million doses and 50 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine that the government had imported and purchased. Including the anticipation of the expiration date of the vaccine if it can be used later.

"What will happen to the 1.1 million vaccines that have been imported and the 50 million that have been purchased by the government? According to information, the 1.1 million doses expiration date is only until May 2021. It is now entering the middle of March. What if we can't afford to use the vaccine before it expires?" said Netty.

Therefore, said Netty, the Government must immediately find a solution to this problem. This incident, she said, should also become a note for the government so that it does not rush in purchasing and procuring vaccines.

"Do not let the free vaccine scheme make us weak and not independent. It is also important to explain to the public whether the COVAX-WHO free vaccine scheme is truly free of conditions. Don't let the public think, 1.1 million free doses are obtained because we are willing to buy another 50 million doses," said the West Java legislator.

In addition, Netty also encouraged the Government to intensify the socialization of vaccines and vaccinations. According to her, the socialization must be massive and effective, to prevent hoax and baseless information from circulating.

"Vaccine socialization should not be monotonous either. Collaborate with public figures and influencers whose attitudes and words are heard and followed. Be careful, do not choose the wrong role model who instead provides a bad example to society," said Netty.

It is known, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) has recommended that the Astrazeneca COVID-19 vaccine not be used in Indonesia while it is still in the review process, following the safety issue of the vaccine which was eventually suspended in 15 countries.

"For caution, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) together with a team of experts from the National Commission on Drug Assessment, National Commission PP KIPI, and ITAGI are conducting further studies since the safety issue was discovered. While it is still in the study process, the Astrazeneca COVID-19 vaccine is recommended not to be used," said the Head of Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Penny Lukito in his statement in Jakarta, Wednesday night, March 17.

The Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) said the delay was also carried out due to blood clotting cases including two fatal cases in Austria and Denmark that were suspected after injection of certain batches of the COVID-19 Astrazeneca vaccine (ABV5300, ABV3025, and ABV2856).

However, even though AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccines with batch numbers ABV5300, ABV3025, and ABV2856 did not enter Indonesia and for the sake of caution, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) issued the recommendation not to be used, which further continued to communicate with WHO and other state drug authorities about the result of the complete and recent investigations and studies regarding the safety of the vaccine.

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