All the arguments submitted by the applicant or the team of lawyers for Pegi Setiawan in his lawsuit were denied by the West Java Regional Police's legal team, as the respondent during the pretrial hearing of Pegi Setiawan at the Bandung District Court (PN), West Java, Tuesday, July 2.

The reading of the answer to the applicant's lawsuit was read directly by the respondent, in this case the West Java Police legal team, which was commanded by the Head of the West Java Regional Police, Kombes Pol Nurhadi Handayani.

"That the respondent firmly rejects all the arguments submitted by the applicant in the pretrial application, except for what the respondent admits the truth," said one of the West Java Regional Police's legal teams when reading the answer to the petitioner's lawsuit broadcast on national television.

According to the respondent, the lawsuit submitted by the applicant has entered the subject matter of the case. In fact, based on Article 2 paragraph (2) of the regulation of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 of 2016 concerning the review of the pretrial decision, the pretrial examination of the application regarding the invalidity of the determination of the suspect only assesses the formal aspect.

"Yaitu, apakah ada paling dua alat bukti yang sah dan tidak memasuki materi perkara. Sehingga terhadap permohonan pretrial adalah hanya memeriksa dan menilai aspek formal terhadap penetapan tersangka yang dilakukan oleh pemohon," tururnya.

Furthermore, said the West Java Regional Police's legal team, several points were conveyed by the respondent in the formal aspect of determining the applicant's suspect to have met the formal aspect.

"The determination of the suspect against Pegi Setiawan in the 2016 murder case of Vina and Rizky in Cirebon, is in accordance with valid evidence. Investigators issued a letter of assignment dated May 19, 2024 and a follow-up investigation warrant dated May 27, 2024," he said.

Based on these warrants and assignment letters, investigators conducted an investigation into a number of convicts and determined the suspect Pegi after the case was carried out.

"Investigators have obtained more than two sufficient pieces of evidence, then the respondent issued a letter of determination of the suspect on May 21, 2024 and the respondent has made arrests on Tuesday, May 21, 2024," he explained.

"After being arrested, the respondent immediately examined Pegi with the status of a suspect in Article 80 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 81 paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 34 of 2002 concerning Protection and or Article 340 and or Article 338 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the first Criminal Code," he added.

As of 11.00 WIB, the respondent's claim was still read out by the respondent, in this case the West Java Regional Police's legal team under the Head of the West Java Regional Police, Kombes Pol Nurhadi Handayani.

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