The existence of a illegal parking attendant (jukir) in Jakarta is still a polemic. This wild jukir often disturbs the public by setting unreasonable parking rates.

Not long ago, a video went viral about illegal jukir in front of the Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, getting tourism bus fares for a group of Monas visitors reached Rp. 300 thousand. In Jakarta, illegal jukir also often appears in green open spaces that are actually free for the community.

This made DKI Jakarta DPRD member from the PDI-P (PDIP) faction, Hardiyanto Kenneth angry. The man who is familiarly called Bang Kent asked the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of DKI and law enforcement officials to take firm action against the thugs under the guise of jukir.

"The provincial government and law enforcement officers must take action against the extortionists under the guise of parking attendants. I ask that the perpetrators not be trained but immediately go to prison, because they have made the community restless," said Kent in his statement, Monday, July 1.

Kent also assessed that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, in this case the Department of Transportation (Dishub), was inconsistent in tackling this illegal parking problem. This is because there are still many illegal parking that consumes the bodies of roads and sidewalks, especially in crowded areas such as Gambir Station, Sabang Street, Tanjung Duren Raya Street, Gandaria Mall and other areas in Jakarta, causing traffic jams.

"The Governor's PJ must be more assertive to his staff in this case the Department of Transportation. They seem inconsistent and impressed by the winds in cracking down on these illegal jukir, because I still see a lot of illegal parking, such as examples in front of Gambir Station, Sabang Street, Tanjung Duren Raya, the outskirts of Gandaria City Mall and several other areas, as a result of illegal parking that consumes the body of the road and sidewalk can cause long traffic jams that disrupt the rights of motorists in driving as well as pedestrians using sidewalks, the Department of Transportation, which can be represented by the Sub-Department of Transportation per region in five municipalities, can be more sensitive and immediately control it repressively if illegal parking is found in the area, let alone eating a road or parking body on the sidewalk. The road or sidewalk should not be allowed to park, it's called criminalizing motorists and pedestrians," said Kent.

The chairman of the IKAL PPRA LXII Lemhannas RI added that if the DKI Provincial Government is unable or can provide parking space for the public, the provincial government should be able to involve the private sector in providing parking space.

"If you really can't afford it, then submit it or involve the private sector. So when the parking lot is managed by the private sector, the provincial government simply acts as a regulator and it is the private sector who provides the land, the mechanism for receiving parking tariff services can be in the form of profit sharing and the private sector will be given the authority to manage the land until the security system. There must be really a bolder breakthrough so that the problem of illegal parking that is chaotic and mutar like a vicious circle can be resolved soon, the DKI Provincial Government should not give the impression that the wind is taking action against this illegal jukir, don't let the stigma appear in the community, it's already crowded in social media to take action. Then if it is proven that there are unscrupulous provincial government officials playing in this illegal parking affair, my advice is to just be fired, "said Kent.

Currently, he continued, many pedestrians and motorists complain that illegal parking located on bicycle lanes, road bodies to sidewalks, as a result, motorists and pedestrians' access is disrupted.

"Many residents have complained, especially motorists and pedestrians, they feel very disturbed by illegal parking on sidewalks, bicycle roads and those who eat the road. The provincial government must really improve in this case so that motorists and pedestrians can get their rights properly," he explained.

Kent also responded to the proliferation of illegal parking in Jakarta on the grounds that it parked in buildings that imposed progressive rates as recently occurred in the senopati area, South Jakarta. According to him, this should not be used as a justification. Because every motorist who owns a vehicle must be ready to accept the risk in paying this parking service tariff service.

"The reason drivers do illegal parking is only because the building imposes progressive tariffs, in my opinion, that this cannot be used as an excuse for justification. In this illegal parking problem, the provincial government must be firm, in enforcing regulations there must be pros and cons, in my opinion it is a natural thing and I am sure there will be more pros than cons, because it is really disturbing many people. I think people who dare to buy motorbikes and cars, yes, they must be able to pay for this parking service tariff service service, don't be selfish by parking their vehicles in any place so that it makes it difficult for others, don't be selfish. If you don't want to or can't be able to pay for parking, don't buy a vehicle, go up to public transportation, "he said.

Kent also asked the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency and its ranks of Sub-Department in five municipal areas to patrol more often and map the problem of illegal parking in their area, especially in areas prone to traffic jams. Acting (Pj) Governor of Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono claimed that his party has curbed 100 illegal parking points in Jakarta every day but in fact it is still far from burning.

"The DKI Jakarta Transportation Service must be able to start mapping areas that are often used as illegal parking, especially at points prone to traffic jams, there must be illegal parking and members of the transportation service in five areas of the municipality service are ordered to often carry out patrols throughout the region in a focused manner. It must be more progressive in controlling this illegal parking, enforce the Regional Regulation of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Number 5 of 2014 concerning Transportation. If you really want to be serious, in this regulation, I think it is sufficient for the DKI Provincial Government to carry out its roles and functions in controlling this illegal parking. My suggestion is that Mr. Heru Budi Hartono must be firm, don't be too good to be a person, be careful not to be deceived by subordinates, don't be consumed by reports from ABS subordinates (Asal Mr. Happy), must understand the field, "he said.

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