A total of 46 natural disaster points such as landslides and floods hit a number of sub-districts in Tasikmalaya, West Java (West Java). The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Garut Regency deployed a team to assist in handling.

"The data we received from Pusdalops has 46 points, mostly landslides, there are also floods," said Head of BPBD Tasikmalaya Regency Nuraedidin to reporters in Tasikmalaya, Monday, July 1, as reported by Antara.

He said the natural disasters of floods and landslides occurred after heavy rains that lasted a long time flushed the Tasikmalaya area, Sunday, June 30.

As a result, he said, there were 46 points of area hit by natural disasters spread across eight sub-districts that interfered with people's road access for daily activities.

"There are three landslide points that are very disturbing and must be resolved immediately," he said.

He said that areas that received special attention were handled, namely disruption of community road access such as roads connecting Puspahiang, Taraju, and Bojonggambir sub-districts.

Furthermore, road access in Tenjowaringin, Salawu District, and collapsed roads in Bojonggambir District, which are still at the location to tackle the disaster-hit area.

"Hopefully the vehicle can be passed back as soon as possible," he said.

He conveyed that not only landslides, there were also floods that always occurred during heavy rains in Sukaresik District.

In addition, there was also one person missing while fishing in the river in the Cibalong District, and until now joint officers are still searching for victims.

"One person is missing in Cibalong, we are still coordinating with Basarnas in Tasikmalaya Regency to conduct a search," he said.

He added that the Garut Regency Government is still conducting an assessment of which areas are affected by natural disasters and will immediately issue a Decree on Disaster Emergency Response.

He appealed to the public to always be aware of the threat of danger when heavy rains occur by avoiding areas that are prone to landslides and floods.

"We appeal to the whole community to be careful, vigilant, because disasters are unpredictable, and the weather is now extreme," he said.

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