JAKARTA - The US made its first deliveries of tanks and armored vehicles to NATO storage facilities in Powidz, Poland, as part of efforts to strengthen NATO's eastern side.
As reported by Antara citing Anadolu, Sunday, June 30, according to the American military newspaper Stars and Stripes on Friday, June 28, US Army spokesman Terry Welch said in a statement that 14 M1 Abrams fighters and M88 armored vehicles had arrived by train on Thursday 27 June.
The armored tanks and vehicles arrived at the Army Preposition Stocks-2 work site in Powidz, Poland.
The statement indicated that the facilities in Powidz, which will be managed by the 405th Army Field Support Brigade, are the most important single NATO infrastructure effort in more than 30 years.
In total, 85 tanks, 190 armored vehicles, 35 artillery weapons, and various ammunition will be stored at the facility, which will be fully operational next year, about 250 miles from the Ukrainian border.
Brigade commander Colonel Ernest Lane II said in a statement that "the facility has a major impact on NATO."
"The strategic location allows us to have multiple approach routes and departure routes as well as embarkation. This is an example of strategic placement in the right place, at the right time," added Lane.
This storage facility is intended to reduce the schedule for placing tanks, armored vehicles and ammunition required for war, training or training from 60 days to less than a week.
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