JAKARTA - The Indonesian Women's Congress (Kowani) stated that kebaya has a unique ability that can unite all Indonesian women from different backgrounds.

"Kebaya is not just a joke, but more than that kebaya is a unifying tool for Indonesian women," said General Chairperson of Kowani Giwo Rubianto Wiyogo in his official statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Sunday, June 30.

Giwo said kebaya can be used as a symbol of unity that can be used by anyone, both from ethnicity, race, religion, education, and other aspects. This can be proven by the community who have used the kebaya as one of the underwear for daily activities.

For example, as clothes worn at home, activities at schools, offices or just shopping at the market to other official events.

According to Giwo, kebaya should never be forgotten. This is because his presence is synonymous with Indonesia's struggle for independence which gave birth to many female fighters, such as Malahayati, Kartini, and Rohana Kudus wearing a kebaya.

Another thing that Giwo highlighted was that the kebaya was able to turn the wheels of the nation's economy. Various MSME events that sell and display kebaya in various places complete with accessories, can attract more people to see and wear kebaya.

"Therefore, I invite women to return to wearing kebaya as part of the identity of Indonesian women," said Giwo.

As an effort to encourage kebaya to be better known, Giwo explained that Kowani together with the Indonesian Kolintang Insan Association (PINKAN) and the kebaya community held a fashion show in collaboration on Thursday 27 June at Anjungan Sarinah, Jakarta.

The fashion show, which was held to welcome National Kebaya Day (HKN) on July 24, 2024, was attended by well-known fashion designer Anne Avantie, HKN 2024 Advisor, totaling Hadi Tjahjanto and PINKAN Indonesia Chairperson Peni Mursetio.

The implementation of HKN 2024 is based on Presidential Decree Number 19 of 2023 concerning National Kebaya Day. The commemoration of HKN is also an effort to synergize Indonesian women and in Southeast Asia in applying for kebaya as an intangible cultural heritage through joint nomination to UNESCO.

The implementation of HKN aims to introduce and echo kebaya as part of the history of the struggle of Indonesian women, increase the form of love, be proud of the identity of the nation and country, preserve cultural heritage by making kebaya a place for creativity without eliminating the standard value of the kebaya, and making kebaya a dress for women who are worn in various events.

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