JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Pahala Nugraha Mansury emphasized the importance of the spirit of the Asia-Africa Conference (KAA) in responding to various global challenges such as conflict, economic downturn, and climate change.

He made this statement in a meeting welcoming the 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum and the High Level Forum on Multi Stakeholders Partnership (HLF-MSP) which was attended by ambassadors of friendly countries, representatives of ministries/agencies, and leaders of SOEs in Jakarta, Friday, June 28, in preparation for the implementation of the 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF).

Reported by Antara, Sunday, June 30, Pahala emphasized that it was KAA's spirit that guided Indonesia's relations with Africa in cooperation to achieve the vision of both parties, namely the 2045 Golden Indonesia Vision and the 2063 Agenda.

"Both entities have extraordinary cooperation potential, with a combined GDP of US$4.4 trillion (around Rp. 71,941 trillion) and a population of 1.7 billion," said a written statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Furthermore, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs explained the plan to implement the 2nd IAF which will be held on 1-3 September 2024 at the Mulia Hotel, Bali with the theme Bandung Spirit for Africa's Agenda 2063 which will focus on issues related to economic, energy and mining transformation, food, health security, and development cooperation.

The 2nd IAF, which will invite African heads of state and hundreds of participants from various circles, will be held in the form of meetings of heads of state, panel discussions, exhibitions, business matching, and various side events.

As part of the 2nd IAF series, the first Indonesia-Africa Parliamentary Forum will also be held.

Meanwhile, regarding HLF-MSP, Director of Foreign Politics and International Development Cooperation of the Ministry of National Development/Bappenas Hendra Wahanu Prabandani conveyed that the forum with the theme "Strengthening Multi-Stakeholder Partnership for Development towards A Transformation Change" will invite heads of state from various regions and several heads of international organizations.

Furthermore, it was stated that the HLF-MSP would consist of a high-level plenary session, parallel session, gala dinner, and cultural performances.

The Forum will be attended by representatives of the government, business world, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, philanthropy, and academics.

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