JAKARTA - Head of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) Ivan Yustiavandana revealed suspicious transactions related to the 2024 election amounting to Rp 80 trillion. According to Ivan, the transaction is the result of an analysis of 108 financial intelligence products involving political parties, political party members, legislative candidates, incumbents or active officials.
"During the period from January 2023 to May 2024, PPATK has submitted 108 financial intelligence products in the form of analysis/information and examination results related to the 2024 election and/or involving political parties/members of political parties/legislative candidates/incumbent/active officials with a nominal turnover of funds totaling Rp. 80,117,675,256,064.00," Ivan said in a working meeting with Commission III of the DPR at the DPR building, parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday 26 June.
Ivan said the findings of a suspicious turnover of more than Rp 80 trillion during the 2024 election were based on the results of the collaborative team analysis (CAT). According to him, the CAT consists of PPATK, KPU, Bawaslu, and a number of private sectors.
"This is indicated by the initiation of the formation of CAT consisting of PPATK KPU Bawaslu, and private sector, consisting of 157 financial service providers. The establishment of CAT plays a role in strengthening collaboration and synergy to support transparency and accountability in organizing elections," said Ivan.
Furthermore, Ivan said, 108 products have been nominated to several external parties, ranging from Bawaslu, KPU, the Prosecutor's Office to the KPK. Therefore, said Ivan, his party recommended a number of things to realize the transparency of the election administration.
"First, it is necessary to evaluate the provisions regarding election campaign funds and sanctions for election participants who violate these provisions," said Ivan.
Second, Ivan continued, the need for the implementation of the RKDK's obligations to the legislative general election, which is currently only required for general elections for the president and vice president.
"Three, it is necessary to have provisions regarding restrictions on withdrawing money or exchanging money made by permanent candidates or candidates representing them," concluded Ivan.
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