JAKARTA - The Mimika Police Chief AKBP IGG Era Adhinata said the four people arrested on Jalan Trans Papua would supply foodstuffs to the KKB led by Joni Botak. They have the initials TJ, T, JJ and EK.

He said that the arrest took place when his party suspected that a white Toyota Avanza with the police number PA-1629-MM was speeding towards PT PAL (Pusaka Agro Lestari).

"The car was then stopped and our team secured four people," said AKP Era Adhinata during a press conference at the Mimika Police Service Office in Timika.

One person was declared a suspect, namely Ter Jangkup (TJ). Based on police records, Ter Jangkup (TJ) is known to have been involved in the shooting of PJJ Brimob cars and PT Freeport Indonesia buses in Utikini, Tembagapura District on March 8, 2020.

Apart from finding various foodstuffs to be supplied to the Kali Kopi KKB led by Joni Botak, the authorities also confiscated several Ter Jangkup's cell phones, in which there were a number of photos of the activity concerned with other KKB members.

In one of the photos, Ter Jangkup is holding an M-16 firearm accompanied by Otis and Juliame (both of whom have been caught and prosecuted) and DD, who is still a fugitive by the police.

"The photos were taken before the joint KKB group led by Lekagak Telenggen carried out a series of shootings in the Tembagapura District area," said AKBP Era Adhinata.

The three Ter Jangkup colleagues who were also arrested have now been released because they do not have a track record of being involved in various crimes.

The Mimika Police Chief emphasized that the TNI and Polri ranks in Mimika will not stop to carry out law enforcement processes against perpetrators of armed violence in the region.

"We get a lot of information that there is a KKB plan led by Joni Botak to ask for food. We will try to prevent the entry of foodstuffs to help the group, especially firearms and ammunition," he said.

In this connection, the Mimika Police Chief asked for support from local community members to assist the TNI and Polri in maintaining a conducive security situation in Mimika from threats and security disturbances by the KKB.

The Mimika police chief acknowledged that the Trans Papua route for the Timika-Nabire route had been one of the supply routes for foodstuffs and firearms and ammunition for the KKB, where at that location the authorities had several times thwarted the plan to supply bama to armed gangs that had been operating in forest areas. jungle of Papua.

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