BANDUNG - Pegi Setiawan's biological mother, Kartini, was disappointed because the first pretrial hearing filed by her attorney was postponed until July 1, 2024. Kartini asked President Jokowi for help to release Pegi Setiawan, who according to her, was not involved in the Vina murder case in Cirebon.

"I really hope that the trial will be held quickly and my son will be released quickly because my child is not guilty. Don't delay the trial, I am very disappointed. I have hoped that the trial will begin and my son will be released, but the trial will be postponed again," Kartini said in Bandung, Monday 24 June.

Kartini continued to pray and hoped that with so many volunteer lawyers helping, the trial would be held soon and Pegi was free quickly.

"Don't delay it, because my child is innocent. Free my child now too," he added.

Kartini also submitted a direct request to President Jokowi.

"I beg the President, help Pegi Setiawan because he is innocent. Please, sir, release Pegi. I beg you, I am a poor person, do not wrong us. Free my child because he is innocent," he said.

Meanwhile, Pegi Setiawan's younger brother, Lusiana, was also disappointed with the postponement of the trial due to the absence of the police from the West Java Police. Lusiana hopes that this pretrial will be carried out soon so that Pegi can be released quickly.

"The family is very confident that Pegi is innocent and hopes to win in this pretrial. We are very disappointed with this delay," said Kartini.

It is known that the first pretrial hearing against Pegi Setiawan in the Vina murder case in Cirebon was held today, Monday.

The pretrial hearing, which was scheduled for 09.00 WIB, was attended by all Pegi's attorneys. However, the reported party or the police from the West Java Police were not present at the trial, so the panel of judges postponed the trial until next week.

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