JAKARTA - Central Java (Central Java) Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi said he had not communicated with political parties regarding the news that he was included in the Central Java gubernatorial candidate exchange (cagub) in the 2024 Pilkada.

"Not yet, not yet (communicating with political parties) because currently he is still serving (as the Central Java Police Chief)," said Ahmad Luthi, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 24.

The Central Java Police Chief said that regarding his name on the Central Java cagub exchange, it was the aspirations of the community. If it is carried to become the next candidate for leadership of Central Java, he admits that he is ready to give up his position.

However, Luthfi emphasized that currently he is still focused on carrying out his duties as the Central Java Police Chief.

"But, so far I am still in service, so we carry out official activities, yes," he said.

Previously, Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Ahmad Doli Kurnia, said that Ahmad Luthfi's name was included in the party's internal discussions to be promoted as a Central Java cagub.

"I think, with the situation and dynamics in Central Java as well as talks at the leadership level of political party KIM (Advanced Indonesia Coalition), Pak Luthfi appeared. We include him as the first priority for us to monitor his name," said Doli.

Apart from Ahmad Luthfi, he continued, the Golkar Party also observed the names of Dico Ganinduto and Raffi Ahmad to be paired in the Central Java Pilkada.

He said the names had been discussed at the party's central level.

"It has been discussed at the leadership level of the general chairman and also at me. In both of them, it has also been discussed," he said.

Meanwhile, the General Chair of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, said that there were many names of candidates who were later said to be running as governors and deputy governors in the Central Java Pilkada. According to him, the names are just to be installed.

The Golkar Party itself has so far issued an assignment letter for Dico Ganinduto to run in the Central Java gubernatorial election.

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