JAKARTA - Saudi Arabia says more than 1,300 people died in this year's Hajj with many cases' due to extreme hot weather and illegal travel that led to more than four of the five deaths.

The health system handles many hot pressure cases this year, and some people are still under treatment. Unfortunately, the death toll stands at 1,301," the Saudi government said in a statement releasing its first official figure.

The statement said 83 percent of those who died "do not have permission to perform the pilgrimage" and "go far in direct sunlight, without shelter or adequate comfort."

There were "several elderly people and chronically ill people" among the victims who died, he said, adding that the families of all the dead had now been identified.

Extreme heat is touted as the main factor behind the hundreds of deaths and injuries reported this year during the pilgrimage. Makkah, the holy city which became the center of pilgrims, experienced temperatures that soared to reach a record 125 degrees Fahrenheit on Monday. Authorities also said the matter was exacerbated by the number of unofficial pilgrimages.

Saudi Arabia requires each congregation to obtain one of the 1.8 million permits available to legally access Mecca. This license can cost several thousand US dollars. Unlicensed pilgrims usually do not travel on organized tour buses equipped with air conditioning or easy access to water and food supplies.

The Saudi government also seems to argue that many illegal travel is a factor in the length of time it takes to issue an official death toll because this complicates the identification process.

Identification is complete, although initially there is no personal information or identification documents. The appropriate process is followed for identification, burial, and respect for the deceased, with death certificates given," the statement said.

Some worshipers regret the poor infrastructure and the implementation of this year's hajj. Even pilgrims on official tours spend most of their time walking outdoors in the hot heat.

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