MEDAN - Police are suspected of being intercepted by thugs when they raided gambling locations in Medan. This video is viral on social media.

It is suspected that this incident occurred in Padang Bulang, Medan Baru District, Medan City. In the video that circulates, the condition at the location is noisy. There are also a number of people blocking the flow of traffic.

Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Medan Police, Commissioner Martuasah Tobing, when confirmed, admitted that he was still checking the truth of the video.

"It's still in check", said Kompol Martuasah, Tuesday, March 16.

Martuasah confirmed that there were gambling locations that were raided on Monday, March 15. During the raid, he said, two suspects were arrested, namely Frans Sembiring (29) and Tangkas Tambunan (22).

"Evidence of 1 tarpaulin, a set of dice bowls, and IDR 985 thousand were also secured", said Kompol Martuasah.

"They have received information that can be trusted that on Piano Street there are several people who are suspected of being gamblers", he continued.

At that time, residents went straight to the scene and found several unknown people who were suspected of gambling. Then they secured the suspect.

"Then taken to the command of Criminal Investigation Division Medan Police for further processing", said Kompol Martuasah.

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