The police said that the perpetrator killed the owner of a household appliance shop at his stall at the East Flood Canal (KBT) market, RY 01/03, Pondok Bambu, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta. It turned out that two girls were their own biological children.

East Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly said the perpetrator was arrested at his residence in the Duren Sawit area, East Jakarta on Saturday, June 22, in the afternoon.

"Sudah ditangkap. Keluarga sendiri. 2 orang anak remaja putri bernama K (17 tahun) dan P (16 tahun). (Ditangkap) Di rumah hunian yang berada di Duren Sawit dan tidak jauh dari TKP, kata Nicolas saat dikonfirmasi, Minggu, 23 Juni.

Nicolas explained that the dead victims were by his two children using sharp weapons (sajam) of the type of knife. They had the heart to do that, because they were hurt by their father.

"The victim was stabbed with a knife. They were hurt because their father scolded them because they stole his father's money," he said.

Currently, the perpetrators have been taken to the Jata Metro Police. The goal is to carry out further investigations.

"Ask the Resmob Investigators of the Directorate of CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION of the Polda Metro Jaya yes. They are the ones who handle it now," he said.

As is known, a kiosk shop owner was found dead covered in blood by a KBT market trader, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta.

The victim was found when another trader was suspicious, because of the whereabouts of the victim who was not seen for three days. Due to this suspicion, the victim's colleague forcibly opened the kiosk.

It turned out that when the inspection was carried out, the victim had died covered in blood.

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