JAKARTA - As many as 200 people were injured and more than 100 people arrested across Kenya in a national protest against the government's plan to collect an additional US$2.7 billion in taxes, the human rights group alliance said.

Police fired tear gas and water cannons to disperse protesters in the capital Nairobi, five human rights groups, including Amnesty International and the Kenya Medical Association, said in a joint statement on Thursday, June 20 evening.

The finding of bullet casings implies the use of live ammunition, they said. One person died from gunshot wounds he suffered during a protest in Nairobi, the Daily Nation newspaper reported.

The police commander of the Nairobi area, Adamson Bungei, did not respond in response to reports of murder, injury, and arrest.

"We commend the thousands of protesters, many of whom are young people, for peaceful demonstrations (and) showing self-control and politeness despite provocations by the police," the group said.

Protesters want the government to completely cancel the draft financial law, saying the law would hamper the economy and increase the living expenses of Kenyans who are already struggling to meet life's needs.

However, the International Monetary Fund said the government needed to increase revenue to reduce the budget deficit and state loans.

Earlier this week the government softened its stance slightly, with President William Ruto supporting recommendations to abolish several new levies, including the ownership of cars, bread, cooking oil and financial transactions.

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