JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono said he would modify the weather to reduce the level of Jakarta's air pollution which is currently still high.

In recent times, the air quality index (AQI) in Jakarta has often been above 150 based on the IQAir gauge site. This means that Jakarta's air quality is classified as unhealthy.

Heru admitted that he had instructed the DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) to carry out weather modification technology (TMC) to overcome the problem.

"I ask the BPBD to be able to carry out several weather engineering so that it can reduce the problem of the current situation in Jakarta," said Heru when met at Cengkareng Hospital, West Jakarta, Friday, June 21.

The high level of air pollution in Jakarta entering the dry season is again in the spotlight. Head of the DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency, Asep Kuswanto, asked buffer areas to help suppress air pollution in their area.

Asep views that the Jabodetabekjur agglomeration regional governments, namely Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, and Cianjur, need to tighten the supervision of factories that pollute the air through the stocks. Because, it is undeniable that the pollution is often carried by the wind to Jakarta.

"We encourage local governments around Jakarta to be more stringent in supervising industries in their areas that have the potential to pollute the air there and carry the wind to Jakarta," said Asep.

In recent days, the dominant Jakarta wind comes from the east and northeastern direction. This is based on the HYSPLIT (Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory) analysis which simulates movement and propagation of pollutants in the atmosphere, thus helping in understanding the source and impact of air pollution.

On the one hand, Asep claims that the DKI Provincial Government continues its serious efforts in tackling the decline in air quality in Jakarta from various sources of emissions, including industrial and motorized vehicles.

"Although in the midst of declining air conditions, the DKI Provincial Government already has clear steps in tackling air pollution. We are in the process of resolving it," said Asep.

However, Asep also reminded the importance of changing people's behavior by switching to use public transportation, cycling, and walking for close range mobilization to help improve air quality.

"We are also campaigning for that. In addition, we also take short-term efforts by urging high-rise managers to install water mists and tighten emission tests for motorized vehicle owners in Jakarta," he explained.

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