JAKARTA - Chairman of the West Java PDIP DPD, Ono Surono, glanced at former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti and the son of the 3rd President of the Republic of Indonesia BJ Habibie, Ilham Habibie as candidates for governor and deputy governor in the 2024 West Java Pilkada.

It is known, Ilham has been supported by the NasDem Party to run in the West Java gubernatorial election, both as a governor and cawagub.

Responding to this, political communication observer at Esa Unggul University, Jamiluddin Ritonga assessed that Ilham and Susi were indeed worthy of advancing in the 2024 West Java gubernatorial election. Because according to him, the two figures have capacity, capability, and integrity.

"Ilham has a flashy track record both at the national and international levels. Apart from course, Ilham as the son of BJ Habibie who excels, which is very much accepted by the people of West Java. Meanwhile, Susi has proven to be the most intense when she became minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries," said Jamiluddin in Jakarta, Thursday, June 20. Jamiluddin assessed that Susi had succeeded in leading his ministry. In fact, he said, Susi appeared as one of the ministers who became an idol by some members of the community for daring to sink a fishing thief ship.

Therefore, he continued, if Ilham and Susi are dueted in the 2024 West Java gubernatorial election, then these two figures can become a deadly couple. According to Jamiluddin, the competitor will see the Ilham-Susi duo as a threat.

"At least the Forward Indonesia Coalition that wants to pair Dedi Mulyadi and Bima Arya will rethink. This duet may be considered less strong to contest the Ilham-Susi duet," he said.

Moreover, Jamiluddin added, KIM does not seem to be releasing West Java. Because West Java is the province with the most voters and politically so strategic that KIM feels the need to control this province.

To fight Susi-Ilham, according to Jamiluddin, KIM will field Ridwan Kamil to West Java rather than Jakarta. Because, Ridwan Kamil, whose electability is around 52 percent, is certainly more likely to win than to carry Dedi Mulyadi, especially Bima Arya.

"So, Ridwan Kamil thinks it is the most appropriate person to face the Ilham-Susi duo. Although Ridwan's electability could decrease if the Ilham-Susi duet actually materializes," he said.

Therefore, Jamiluddin thought, Ridwan Kamil needs to be accompanied by a figure who can boost his electability. It could be Dedi Mulyadi or Bima Arya to accompany him.

"The duet of Ridwan Kamil-Dedi Mulyadi or Bima Arya seems to be more competitive. At least this duet will get a match against Ilham-Susi. If this duet is against each other, whoever the winner is, West Java will get a capable leader and integrity," he concluded.

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