JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has built a security for Gelora Beach in order to prevent abrasion in Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara.
"The construction of coastal safety will protect the coast from the risk of abrasion and erosion due to the waves, so that it will preserve vegetation and residential areas around the coast," said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, June 18.
The Ministry of PUPR has completed the construction of the safety infrastructure at Gelora Beach in the hope of protecting coastal communities from sea waves and abrasion.
To prevent abrasion at Gelora Beach, the Ministry of PUPR through the Nusa Tenggara I River Basin Center (BWS), the Directorate General of Water Resources, built security infrastructure in two locations, namely Gelora Beach and Menini River. In that place, a concrete survey of 181 meters and two jetty buildings with a length of 30 meters were built.
Untuk pekerjaan Sungai Menini dilaksanakan konsep pengendalian banjir dengan penguatan terang masing-masing sepanjang 152 meter serta normalisasi sepanjang 500 meter.
Work in the Menini River to protect the population area and community plantation areas from flooding that occurs every year.
Pengamanan Pantai Gelora dan Sungai Menini dikerjakan sejak Agustus 2023 hingga Desember 2023 dengan anggaran Rp17,5 miliar yang dikerjakan kontraktor, PT Ibnu Munsyir Dwi Guna dengan konsultan supervisi PT Geodynamic Consultant KSO CV KMC.
The construction of this beach safety is not only a strong physical bulwark but also a symbol of commitment to maintaining the beauty of the environment, especially in Sumbawa.
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