JAKARTA - The Chinese government is reluctant to provide a response to the substance of the Burgenstock Communique which is the result of the peace Summit on the Ukraine crisis in Switzerland last week.

"China did not take part in the peace summit and will not comment on the joint communique," said Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian in a routine press conference in Beijing, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, June 18.

The two-day peace summit in Ukraine in Burgenstock, Switzerland, ended on Sunday, June 16 with the ratification of the final declaration, namely the Burgenstock communique.

More than 90 countries attended the negotiations, but the joint communique was supported by only 80 countries and four organizations.

A total of 16 countries and organizations, including Indonesia, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, India, Mexico, South Africa, Brazil and the United Arab Emirates abstained.

"China's position on the Ukraine issue is consistent and clear," Lin Jian added.

The Chinese government has previously stated that it will not attend the peace conference because it does not meet three important elements, namely recognition from Russia and Ukraine, equal participation from all parties, and fair discussion of the entire peace plan.

Russia has not been invited to attend the peace conference.

In the Burgenstock declaration, the supporting countries said they had a "fruitful, comprehensive and constructive exchange of views towards a comprehensive, just and lasting peace framework, based on international law, including the UN Charter."

"In particular, we reaffirm our commitment to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, the principle of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all states," the statement said.

"... including Ukraine, within their internationally recognized borders, including territorial waters, as well as the settlement of disputes through peaceful means as a principle of international law," the statement continued.

Regarding Indonesia's abstention from the joint communique, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Indonesia considered that the Joint Communique would be more effective if it was drafted in an inclusive and balanced manner.

However, the implementation of the peace summit remains in line with Indonesia's position that disputes and conflicts between countries must be resolved through diplomacy, such as negotiations.

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