JAKARTA - Two Hajjes from South Kalimantan Province reportedly died while carrying out worship in Mina, Saudi Arabia, to a total of four people who died from the Banjarmasin Embarkation Hajj. It was revealed that the Head of the Hajj Organizing Officer (PPIH) of the Banjarmasin Embarkation H Muhammad Tambrin in Banjarbaru, Monday, that the two hajj martyrs who died in Mina were H Supian Suri Syarkawi (57) from Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency. H Supian left in Kloter 14 of the Banjarmasin Embarkation and died on Sunday 16 June in Mina at 06.00 WAS, allegedly due to heart disease or Cardiac arrest. While the second was named Hj Restina Ahmadsyah Aun (57) from Tapin Regency which was dispatched from Kloter 15. He died in Mina on Monday 17 June at around 11.00 WAS, allegedly due to heart disease or cardiovascular shock. "Both died after performing the wuskuf hajj contour in Arafah," he said, quoted by Antara.

Before continuing to Mina to perform the pilgrimage and jumrah, both of them died as hajj. "We express our deepest condolences and condolences, hopefully, the pilgrimage will both be accepted by Allah SWT, including two prospective pilgrims who died in the Holy Land first," he said. As for the two who died first, namely Sirun Mucheri Sarkawi (79) who was flown to Group 7 from South Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan, who died on June 8, 2024 at the Mecca Hospital at around 13.14 WAS due to lung infection and heart problems. Furthermore, Hidayatussibyan (50) from Kloter 18 came from Tabalong Regency, South Kalimantan, who died on June 14, 2024 at the Arafah Hospital at around 18.15 WAS due to cardiovascular shock, heart failure, hypertension, and non-insulin DM.

Tambrin berharap semua masyarakat di Provinsi Kalsel mendoakan jamaah haji yang saat ini menjalankan ibadah haji di Arafah, Muzdalifah dan Mina (Armuzna).Embarkasi Banjarmasin, Kalsel pada musim haji 2024 ini memberangkatkan sebanyak 5.759 calon haji didampingi sebanyak 37 petugas haji dan 56 petugas kesehatan.Embarkasi Banjarmasin memberangkatkan calon jamaah haji dua provinsi, yakni sebanyak 4.071 calon haji dari Kalimantan Selatan dengan 14 kloter dan sebanyak 1.688 calon haji dengan lima kloter.

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