SUKABUMI - The Sukabumi City Police Precision Patrol Team arrested four youths who were hanging out on the Sukabumi South Ring Line, Warudoyong District, Sukabumi City, West Java. The four of them are suspected of being criminals.
"Four youths with the initials E, S, Da and D were arrested during a joint patrol team from the Sukabumi City Police with Subdenpom III/1-2 Sukabumi conducting security patrols ahead of Eid al-Adha 1445 H or on Sunday," said Sukabumi City Police Chief AKBP Ari Setyawan Wibowo in Sukabumi, Antara, Monday, June 17.
According to Ari, of the four youths suspected of wanting to commit criminal acts in the jurisdiction of the Sukabumi City Police, the police found two sharp weapons of the type of machete and a letter T key and three motorbikes used by the youths were also confiscated.
The four youths are still being investigated at the Warudoyong Police Headquarters and may be named suspects in the case of possession of illegal or non-rational sharp weapons and his party is investigating the whereabouts of the letter T key belonging to one of the youths.
Whether the existence of the evidence has anything to do with the theft of a motor vehicle or other, because it is still under investigation and development by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Warudoyong Police together with the Sukabumi City Police Satreskrim.
"We will not tolerate anyone who disturbs the security and social order, everyone involved in criminal cases will certainly be processed according to the applicable rules and regulations," he said.
Ari appealed to the public to work together in maintaining security and providing information regarding minimum security conditions in their respective regions, if they know or see firsthand any criminal acts or that have the potential to disrupt security, immediately report to the security apparatus or the police station or contact the 110 call center or Report to the Police-SIAP MAS at 0811654110.
He also reminded all residents, especially motorized vehicle owners, not to modify the exhaust, such as replacing it with a Brong exhaust or noise because if found, they would temporarily confiscate the vehicle and impose fines on the driver.
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