JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Golkar Party Airlangga Hartarto revealed that the daughter of senior politician Akbar Tanjung, Sekar Krisnauli Tanjung, will run in the 2024 Surakarta Pilkada.

"The regional head in Surakarta, his daughter Akbar Tanjung, was prepared by the Golkar Party, Sekar Tanjung, who is still young," said Airlangga at the Ainul Hikmah Mosque of the Golkar DPP, West Jakarta, quoted by ANTARA Monday, June 17.

Previously, Friday, May 31, 2024, the chairman of the Golkar Party's DPP for the Winning of the Central Java-DIY Election, Iqbal Wibisono, revealed that Sekar Tanjung had received the blessing of his father Akbar Tanjung to fight in the Pilkada contestation in Surakarta in November.

"Yes (supported) recommendations were dropped before August. This is a stage but he is one of the nominees from Golkar as Mayor or Deputy Mayor of Surakarta," said Iqbal, Friday.

According to him, the woman who is the Chair of the Surakarta Golkar DPD is also a smart and creative figure, so she is considered capable of leading the city of Surakarta.

"He is still young and creative, he has a high leadership spirit. He has the courage to have the most achievements. Apart from Mbak Sekar, there is Mas Aris, the deliberative council, the Surakarta people are also the ones we carry," he continued.

Iqbal also added that Golkar Surakarta is still communicating with Akbar Tanjung regarding his daughter's candidacy in the Surakarta Pilkada.

"Stay in communication because Mr. Akbar Tanjung's daughter must have blessings and prayers," explained Iqbal.

Golkar Surakarta has also begun to communicate with other parties. Because Golkar only has three seats in the Surakarta DPRD and needs to form a coalition to carry a candidate pair.

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