JAKARTA - Clinical nutrition expert at Pelni Hospital Jakarta, Jovita Amelia, said that limiting salt and coconut milk can prevent an increase in bad cholesterol or low density lipoprotein (LDL) after eating lamb, goat, or sacrificial cows.

This limitation of the amount of salt and coconut milk is carried out, especially when processing meat into foods such as sugary and others.

"The meat should not be processed excessively with oil, coconut milk, or salt. If there are lots of coconut milk, oil, salt, everything can increase LDL cholesterol and blood pressure," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, June 16.

Referring to the Ministry of Health, the recommended daily intake of salt is five grams or one teaspoon, while the fat is five tablespoons or 67 grams.

In 100 milliliters of coconut milk is known to contain five grams of fat.

In addition to salt and coconut milk, Jovita reminded the public about the portion of meat that should be consumed in a day. According to him, all sacrificial meat is classified as protein so that the recommended daily protein intake is in accordance with the needs of the body, which is around 15-20 percent of the total daily energy.

"For beef and sheep, choose the part without fat. Meanwhile, goats are lean meat (fatless meat) so the fat is a little," he said.

While the meat consumption limit in a week should be two to three times.

Jovita reminded that excessive consumption of red meat is related to various chronic diseases, namely, colon cancer, breast and prostate, stroke, heart disease and blood vessels.

Meanwhile, regarding healthy tips for consuming sacrificial meat that are synonymous with Eid al-Adha, the DKI Jakarta Health Office advises the public, one of which is related to processing, namely by boiling or roasting with a little oil and being consumed with vegetables and fruit.

Avoid excessive frying or the use of excess oil that can add calories and fat.

In addition, make sure to stay hydrated by drinking enough water. Water helps maintain the balance of fluids in the body and supports the function of the organs of the body properly.

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