MAKASSAR - Minister of Law and Human Rights Yassona Laoly asked the National Police to immediately resolve the murder case of Vina Cirebon, which is considered the handling of odd cases, and has even become a national discussion.

"We ask the police to resolve this well. Because this is not only (public discussion) in Java, but throughout Indonesia," said Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna at the inauguration of the new Kemenkumham Regional Office on Jalan Sultan Alauddin Makassar, South Sulawesi, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, June 14.

According to him, the task of the National Police is to resolve the murder case of Vina and her friend Muhammad Rizky alias Eki in Cirebon in 2016, because it is suspected that there have been many mistakes and fabrications in the law enforcement process, including determining people who are not necessarily guilty to imprisonment.

"There are suspicions and that must be proven. That what is currently serving the sentence is not the person who should be the perpetrator," he told reporters.

Therefore, his party hopes that the police can immediately resolve this case so that it does not become a bad precedent for the National Police institution, let alone imprison innocent people.

"In this case, we hope that the Police can complete it well, so that it is clear who the perpetrators are and bring them to justice and get the appropriate punishment," Yassona emphasized.

Previously, the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) also responded and recommended that the National Police conduct an investigative audit of the investigation into the murder cases of Vina and Muhammad Rizky or Eky in Cirebon.

"Regarding the handling of this case, Kompolnas in addition to supervising, also supervising the West Java Regional Police, including conducting clarification and working visits, and recommending an investigative audit of the investigation process for the investigation of this case," said Kompolnas member from elements of the Poengky Indarti community in Jakarta.

This case was revealed after a film entitled Vina: Before 7 Days in theaters throughout Indonesia, it received public attention. Because, in the course of this case there were 11 people who became perpetrators, eight people had been sentenced by the Cirebon District Court to life imprisonment.

However, one of them ST is still a minor, sentenced to eight years. The alleged murder case occurred on Saturday, August 27, 2016 at around 22.00 WIB in Cirebon. Later, this case resurfaced, because there were still three people on the People's Wanted List (DPO) of each Pegi alias Perong, Andi, and Dani.

Pegi alias Perong was arrested on May 21, 2024, after being on the run for eight years. After Pegi was arrested, ironically, two other people's status was allegedly annulled by the police and did not become suspects, even though the construction of the case in the minutes at that time was 11 suspects.

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