The West Java Regional Police are said to have confiscated a Facebook account belonging to Pegi Setiawan alias Perong. The account was used as evidence in the alleged murder of Vina and M Rizky or Eky in Cirebon.

"The Head of Public Relations of the Regional Police said that the social media account of Pegi Setiawan was confiscated for investigation purposes," said Pegi Setiawan's attorney, Toni RM, to VOI, Friday, June 14.

The confiscation was carried out after Pegi underwent additional examination some time ago. At that time, investigators were said to have asked for the password or password of the account.

"Regarding Pegi Setiawan's Facebook social media account because his account was asked for a password by investigators, finally the social media account entered the examination material in the BAP," he said.

However, Toni was a little surprised by the confiscation. Because, it is believed that there was no clue on the account related to the murder cases of Vina and Eky.

"There were no clues from Pegi Setiawan's post that led to Vina Eki's murder," said Toni.

In this case, Pegi Setiawan alias Perong has been named a suspect. He was charged with Article 340 of the Criminal Code concerning Murder in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, and Article 81 paragraph 1 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection.

However, Pegi had stated that he had never been involved in the murder cases of Vina and Eki. In fact, he did not know about the case.

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