MAKASSAR - Police arrested two men who were traffickers of methamphetamine drugs in the city of Makassar, South Sulawesi (Sulsel). The two perpetrators were arrested with 2 kilograms of methamphetamine evidence at one of the Makassar hotels.

Wakasat Narcotics Police Headquarters in Makassar AKP Indra Waspada Yudha said the two perpetrators arrested had the initials At (34) and A (36).

"Two kilograms of methamphetamine, the two perpetrators, they, received it at the hotel, they were ordered to take it which is currently still being sought," said Wakasat Narcotics Police, AKP Indra Waspada Yudha, to reporters Monday, March 15.

The two perpetrators were arrested as a result of reports from the public. The police then carried out developments until the two perpetrators were finally arrested on Saturday, March 13.

"The results of the development, from public reports, we searched, investigated, until finally both of them were caught," he said.

The two perpetrators who were arrested were charged under Article 114 paragraph (2) and / or 112 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 Paragraph (1) of Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 35 Year 2009 imprisonment for life.

"The maximum threat is the death penalty," said AKP Indra Waspada Yudha.

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