SURABAYA - The Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, ordered the village heads and sub-districts to record the income of residents of Surabaya. Eri Cahyadi prepared a program to help low-income people (MBR).

"Therefore, I ask urban villages and sub-districts to collect data on all residents, including data on the income of each Family Card (KK) every month so that we can intervene with residents who need government assistance," said Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi while giving directions to the village heads and sub-districts Surabaya, Monday, March 15th.

From that data, continued Eri, later the Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) will take a number of steps to intervene in needy residents. Eri Cahyadi considers that data is important, to determine the economic condition and welfare of its citizens.

"I have to have data from the RT-RW, village head and sub-district head. So that we can immediately intervene the residents," he said.

Meanwhile, for the current Low Income Community (MBR) data, Eri Cahyadi admitted that he would soon be updated with the data being worked on by Dinsos together with the sub-district head, village head to the RT / RW level. In fact, he said in the data, it would be more detailed, who worked in one KK.

"Who is not working, for example, his father works with an income below the UMK, but has children who have graduated from school or undergraduate, so we will intervene them," he said.

Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi

Not only that, Eri Cahyadi plans to differentiate the data into several classifications, for example decile one for residents with the lowest poverty level, then decile two for citizens who are more deserving and so on. From there, the municipal government can provide intervention, according to the needs of each resident who falls into the decile classification.

"Then we monitor it with the hope that the residents will be separated from the MBR data. This means that they are already out (poor) and already capable. Because each decile has different interventions. Some do not need flats (flats), some need training or skills then get job opportunities, "he continued.

Mayor Eri Cahyadi said that he would publish it in the sub-district and sub-district offices of each region, when the data collection was complete. "So that all residents can access it. Later there will be an application too," said Eri.

He also asked the lurah and camat to move quickly when the community needed help. Eri said, service for the community must be prioritized.

"If residents need help or are experiencing problems, the sub-district and sub-district must come down directly to provide a solution. I convey this continuously, there is no arrogance to the community and must be a solution," said Eri.

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