Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin said the Committee for the Selection of Candidates for Leaders and Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission must carefully trace the track records of the candidates, one of which is not affiliated with politics.

"Pansel must also be careful with the potential for affiliation (related) candidates with certain political colors," said Attorney General Burhanuddin when receiving an audience at the Selection Committee for Candidates for Leadership and Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) at the Attorney General's Office, Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 12.

The message was conveyed by the Attorney General when meeting with the KPK Pansel Team consisting of the Chairman of the Pansel Muhammad Yusuf Ateh (Head of BPKP), along with the Deputy Chairperson concurrently with members of the Pansel Prof. Arif Satria and seven other members in the context of the audience capturing aspirations regarding the KPK's candidates and adolescents.

According to Burhanuddin, the KPK Pansel must seriously track the candidate's track record in order to obtain an independent candidate for the KPK leadership and supervisory board.

"The search for track records is not only related to the law, but also regarding ethics," he said.

Not only that, continued Burhanuddin, the KPK Pansel must ensure that the selection process really meets the values of transparency and accountability as reflected in Article 31 of the KPK Law.

"Every development at every stage of the selection absolutely must be conveyed to the public," he said.

Furthermore, the KPK Pansel must also stand on the principles of MEANingful participation during the selection process. Reflecting on Article 30 paragraph (6) of the KPK Law which explicitly states that the public has the right to give a response to the performance of the Pansel.

Then, continued Burhanuddin, the KPK Pansel must actively seek and invite figures with integrity, competence and independence to register as candidates for leadership and the KPK Council.

"Because at this time it is not easy to encourage people who meet the ideal values of registering as leaders and supervisors at the anti-corruption agency," said Burhanuddin.

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