The declaration and inauguration of the Pekatik'e Mas Dar Se Karesidenan Kedu Command Post in Dukuhan Hamlet, Gunungpring Village, Muntilan District, Magelang Regency, was suddenly shocked by the arrival of one of the respected NU Kyai, Mbah Latief.

Mbah Latief's unexpected presence immediately caught the attention of the invited guests and the residents present. This is because Mbah Latief is known to be charismatic and has many followers.

"Mbah Latief press kene! Mbah Latief press kene!" said the organizing committee for the inauguration of the Pekatik'e Mas Dar post loudly informing.

The Coordinator of Pekatik'e Se Karesidenan Kedu KH. Chanafi immediately welcomed Mbah Latief's arrival. Here Mbah Latief is welcome to sit face-to-face with the Chairman of the Central Java Gerindra Party DPD, Sudaryono.

Furthermore, KH. Chanafi introduced Sudaryono to Mbah Latief as a candidate for Governor of Central Java for the period 2024-2029. Mbah Latief seemed happy to see the figure of Sudaryono.

In fact, in the brief meeting, Mbah Latief prayed for Sudaryono while giving water to be elected as Governor of Central Java for the period 2024-2029. This prayer from this respected cleric would certainly be an injection of enthusiasm for Sudaryono in his candidacy.

"Governor... Governor... Governor... Governor," said Mbah Latief, as he answered in a compact way, "Aamiin... Amen... Amen."

For information, Mbah Latief is a very well known figure among Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah in the Muntilan and Magelang areas. He is also known as an advisor to many high-ranking officials and businessmen in Central Java.

Mbah Latief's habit of suddenly coming to an event has made her a mystery-packed figure. Many believe that Mbah Latief's presence carries messages and blessings.

Then, Mbah Latief's nasab is actually very complete, meaning that he is one of the children going down by the guardians whose graves are at the Gunungpring Guardian Cemetery.

According to one of the most trustworthy sources of mbah Latif's father, he was a descendant of mbah Ky Abdul Rouf. Meanwhile, his biological mother came from Kiai Raden Pangeran Singosari bin Kiai archery, whose grave was in Gunungpring.

So, it's no wonder that Mbah Latief is known as magic and lowering caromah, to anyone who is visited and met, including the candidate for Governor of Central Java, Sudaryono.

KH. Chanafi said Mbah Latief has her own caromah. He experienced many unique incidents and experiences such as when he suddenly appeared at Warung satay, on Jalan Kaliurang Yogyakarta. Here, he was then treated by a satay owner by the shop owner and ate there.

"When the shop owner wanted to remove the satay, the shop owner could not remove it, finally the shop owner took off the stab at the satay, so that Mbah Latief could easily escape it. Not long after Mbah Latief Dahar, the shop was filled with buyers in an instant," said KH. Chanafi who witnessed the incident himself.

KH. Chanafi also said that Mbah Latief was also present at the Mutamar NU event in Lampung some time ago in clothes that were necis wearing a complete suit and shoes. Many witnesses saw Mbah Latief's presence at the NU Congress.

In addition, there was a group from Aceh who was looking for Mbah Latif. According to his confession, Mbah Latief used to take part in the roundabout event in Aceh there. The group from Aceh asked local residents, coincidentally no one knew him.

Finally, the group was escorted to the Santren mosque. At the mosque, the Aceh entourage saw Mbah Latief sitting on the terrace of the mosque. Spontaneously the group shouted. "Yes. That's the person. That's the person," said the Aceh congregation's entourage simultaneously.

Automatically the group immediately approached Mbah Latief while shaking hands kissing his hands.

Then, there are many more incidents that are beyond reason, when Mbah Latief's presence becomes a reality in the future. Including his arrival to meet the candidate for Governor of Central Java, Sudaryono.

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